
Add Watermark to Images in WordPress Automatically

Add Watermark to Images in WordPress Automatically

Do you want to add watermark to your images in WordPress? Many photographers and artists use watermark to prevent misuse of their images. In this article, we will show you how to automatically add watermark to images in WordPress.

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Easy Watermark plugin. Upon activation, you need to go to Settings » Easy Watermark page to configure plugin settings.

The settings page is divided into three tabs. The first option on the General settings tab is to automatically add watermark to all image uploads. You can also choose which image file types to auto watermark.

Next option is backup, you should check this if you want to save original uploads on your server too. You can also select which image sizes to add watermark to. You also need to select watermark type. The plugin allows you to add text, image, or both to be used as watermark.

Review rest of the options on the page, and then click on save changes button to store your settings. Now you can click on the Image tab on the plugin’s settings page. This is where you can upload the image you want to be used as watermark.

If you selected image+text or just the text as your watermark type, then you need to click on the text tab. Here you can add the text you want to be displayed as watermark. You can select font, font size, watermark alignment, transparency, and color.

Don’t forget to click on the save changes button to store your settings. You can now add watermark to images you add to your WordPress site.

Adding Watermark to Your Old Images in WordPress

To add watermark on the old images, you need to go to Media » Easy Watermark click on start button under Bulk Watermark section.

Important: Please note that this process is irreversible. We strongly urge you to backup your WordPress site particularly your media uploads directory.

If you selected the option to keep a backup of your original uploads, then you can also use the restore option on this page, which will remove watermark from all images that have them.


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